

We work continuously with an ecological approach by recycling paper, cardboard, glass, bulbs batteries, and composting, etc. We also strive for a “chemical free” environment. Care is taken when purchasing cleaning and other materials for the school.

ABC Preschool is dedicated to utilising the principles of HighScope in order to:

Foster an active pattern of environmental Stewardship and highlight the interconnected relationship shared by humans with natural environments and ecosystems.

At ABC Preschool, teachers and staff are dedicated to making sure that caring for “Mother Nature” is part of our daily routine. The curriculum at ABC incorporates age appropriate examples of key sustainable development themes, such as environmental equality and environmental responsibility. 

For example, students learn to actively compost in all classrooms, as well as to use creative, open ended play using recycled (free & found) materials. Students also learn the importance of “pitching in” during our annual Spring Clean-up Day where we join forces with other schools throughout Sweden under the guidance from “Håll Sverige Rent”..

Outside the classroom, ABC Preschool is dedicated to showing care to our planet through our choice of products and services. School snacks provided to the students are organic whenever possible. Our cleaning cupboards are stocked with environmentally friendly cleaning materials, and we have selected an environmentally responsible cleaning company. 

Green Flag

ABC All About Children Preschool is a Green Flag certified preschool.

Green Flag (Grön Flagg) is an eco-school initiative and is a pedagogically based eco-certification. Green Flag is built on children’s natural inquisitiveness and creativity. Green Flag certification and recertification occurs in cycles lasting from 1-2 years. At the beginning of each cycle, the school chooses three themes to focus on during that cycle. For the current cycle, ABC has chosen three new themes and one follow-up theme (composting).  

Our Green Flag Development Goals change from year to year but one example is:


We currently have recycling bins in all of the kitchens, but the aim of this goal is to create a pedagogically based recycling regime at the school. 


Our main objective is student development. We will be implementing water saving measures at the school, but our primary gauge for success will be to develop the students’ knowledge and skills develop within the broader theme. 

Lifestyle and Health

At the classroom level, this is all about reinforcing the idea that some things are healthy for people/the environment and some things are bad for people/the environment. This development goal is an opportunity to bring the school’s work in the areas of health, hygiene and healthy eating together with our environmental profile. 


This is a development goal that has been carried over from previous years. We have made leaps and bounds toward meeting this goal. We are now composting all of our snack remnants. The bins are emptied each day by the classroom’s special helpers.